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Kairo, erholsam und informativ
Das orientalische Treiben in Kairo
Kairo, erholsam und informativ In Kairo werden Phantasiewelten Wirklichkeit. In den Gräber der alten Pharaonen, in den Pyramiden, in den Kirchen und Synagogen, in den Moscheen und in den Märkten, dort wo 6000 Jahre Menschengeschichte steht, flüstert einem die Geschichte in den Ohren: „du! hier waren millionen vor dir, nach dir werden andere millionen kommen, alle kommen und gehen, nur […]
Das orientalische Treiben in Kairo Im Januar 2011 haben wir alle miterlebt, wie die Ägypter mit Tanz und Musik, mit Witz, Theater und Zusammenhalt den Diktator zum Sturz gezwungen haben. Nach 18 Tagen Aufenthalt in der Stadtmitte (Tahrir-Platz) war der Abgang des Diktators perfekt. Dann haben sie den Platz geräumt, geputzt und die Straßen gestrichen.
Berichte Urlauber berichten über ihren Besuch in Kairo

Black or white? Ancient Egyptian race mystery now solved

A study describes how researchers conducted the first successful DNA sequencing on ancient Egyptian mummies.

Egyptologists, writers, scholars, and others, have argued the race of the ancient Egyptians since at least the 1970s. Some today believe they were sub-Saharan Africans. We can see this interpretation portrayed in Michael Jackson’s 1991 music video for Remember the Timefrom his Dangerous album. The video, a 10-minute mini-film, includes performances by Eddie Murphy and Magic Johnson.

Reactionaries, meanwhile, say that there’s never been any significant black civilizations—an utter falsehood, of course. There were several in fact, highly advanced African empires and kingdoms throughout history. Curiously, some extreme Right groups have even used blood group data to proclaim a Nordic origin to King Tutankhamun and his brethren.

The problem, it was thought, is that mummy DNA couldn’t be sequenced. But a group of international researchers, using unique methods, have overcome the barriers to do just that. They found that the ancient Egyptians were most closely related to the peoples of the Near East, particularly from the Levant. This is the Eastern Mediterranean which today includes the countries of Turkey, Iraq, Israel, Jordan, Syria, and Lebanon. The mummies used were from the New Kingdom and a later period, (a period later than the Middle Kingdom) when Egypt was under Roman rule.

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